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Anti Termite Treatment, Pre & Post Construction Termite

Trigonometric formulas - Free Math Help

I always had trouble in calculating the angles because I did not remind the table that's why I had trouble in calculating the angle by the table. All my friends remembered the table but it was difficult to me to  pass the exam paper without angle, so I started harassing my teacher and asked him, "Sir, there is no other way or method  ." He helped me and make a  short trick with his help. That trick I tell you

You have always used this table

Another method 

We can Calculate the angle by the left and right method.

As you know these are  some basic angle

0 °    30 °     45 °    60 °     90°

 These are five angles that we get out of

Eg sin30 °, sin45 ° etc
Tan45 °, tan 90 °, tan30 ° etc.
Cos0 ° cos30 ° etc

 You just have to remember three formulas (L = left)
(R = right)

1. SinΦ = √L / 4 
2.cosΦ = √R / 4 
3. TanΦ= √L / R 

With example

Suppose we have to find the value of sin30 °

Formula is sin = √L / 4

Left of  30 °  is an angle 0 °  so L   = 1
By formula

Sin = √L / 4 and L = 1

Sin = √1 / 4 so value is 1/2

If you want to find the value of Cosec 30 ° is reciprocal of sin°  means reciprocal of 1/2 is cosec 30 ° = 2

One more example

Suppose we get the value of cos 30 °

The formula of cos° is √R / 4

Cos 30 ° right = 3 angle  45 °, 60 °, 90 °

Therefore R = 3

Formula is

Cos = √ R / 4 and R = 3

Cos30 °. = √3 / √4 means  √3 / 2                                        (sec° reciprocal of cos°)

One more example is

Tan45 ° is ????

By formula tan ° = √L / √R

Tan45 ° Left  Angle is 0 ° and 30 ° and Right Angle is 60 ° and 90 °

L = 2 and R = 2

By formula tan ° = √L / √R

Tan 45 ° = √2 / √2. = 1

Value of Cot° is Reciprocal of tan° value


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