A.T.T is the treatment given to the structure to protect it against Attack by subterranean termites, using a suitable chemical. The chemical barrier is a layer of soil in contact with the structure that has been suitably treated with approve chemical, so as to form an impervious barrier to kill that termites The following procedure of anti termite treatment to be done at the project site are based on IS 6313: 2001 The surface of the ground should be clean, compacted and firm. it should be free from any organic impurities. Safety goggles, gloves and face mask should be readily available at the site. The person conducting the anti termite treatment should be trained and should be wearing all the above safety gear during the operation. preliminary moisturing should be done when the soil is Sandy, loose and porous because the chemical solution may be lost due to percolation. The chemical treatment of the soil should start only after the fo...
भारत का इतिहास और संस्कृति गतिशील है यह सिंधु नदी के किनारे और भारत के दक्षिणी भूमि में कृषक समुदायों के साथ एक रहस्यमय संस्कृति से शुरू होता है। ... चौथी सहस्राब्दी ईसा पूर्व के अंत तक, भारत अत्यधिक विकसित सभ्यता के क्षेत्र के रूप में उभरा था।
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